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  • Kaitlin O'Grady

What NOT to do When Traveling!

Tip of the Day for Pump Users: Do NOT go through a full body scanner.

I definitely learned the hard way on this one. January 2012, I was on my way to Rome, Italy to study abroad for 4 months. I was excited, nervous, and just wanted to get myself through security and onto the plane! I must have not been thinking or didn’t know I shouldn’t go through a full body scanner, but word to the wise, these machines can & will make your pump malfunction.. and that is exactly what happened!

I had a Medtronic MiniMed at the time and I noticed it was acting a little funny (screen would flash sometimes but the pump was still working fine for a while). It wasn’t until I was changing my site and loading in new insulin that it just stopped working. I was hit with an error message (I don't remember which one) that when I did a quick google search, it did not look good for my pump!

Panic ensued and I immediately called my mom (obviously)! I believe my mom and I did a 3-way call with Medtronic to troubleshoot the problem but after what seemed like hours on the phone, it was determined that the error was not fixable and I would need to get a replacement pump. The logistics for delivery were skeptical because (1) I was in a foreign country and (2) I didn't want to risk an incomplete delivery. We decided our safest option was to have the pump delivered to my house in the US for my mom to bring it to me personally.

Thankfully, I had backup pens to use and my mom was already planning to come visit me prior to all of this happening. Everything worked out and I was able to get a new pump safely delivered by my amazing mother!

My Personal Travel Tips:

  1. Know the facts before you travel!!

  2. Always carry a medical letter (If you tell them you are diabetic, 9 times out of 10, they won't check for documentation but it it is always good to have just in case).

  3. If you wear an insulin pump, avoid at all costs, a full body scanner (normal metal detectors are fine).

  4. When in doubt, ask for a pat down.

  5. ALWAYS CARRY BACKUP and prepare yourself for a worse case scenario!

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