Kaitlin O'Grady

Welcome to Sweet Embrace!

Hi All, Kaitlin O'Grady here. I am so excited to finally introduce you to Sweet Embrace!

For the 10+ years that I have been living with type 1 diabetes, it wasn't until more recently that I truly felt I needed to share my story with the world and create a safe space for people to find solace. Being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes was one of the worst days of my life and this journey has not been an easy one. I am finally ready to open up and share my experiences and hopefully help others see that they are not alone and there is truly light at the end of the tunnel.

Sweet Embrace was established to serve as an outlet for the diabetes community where people who have type 1 diabetes or love someone that has type 1 diabetes, can access a great deal of resources, guidance, and insight into my personal experiences with type 1 diabetes. When I was first diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, I just remember feeling completely lost, confused, angry, frustrated, and all the emotions under the sun. I wasn't sure what to do, who to turn to, and how I would survive. To add to that, shortly after, my father was also diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. It was hard to come to grips with what life had thrown at my family but rather than harp on the bad, I chose to harp on the good that I can make out of this diagnosis.

With Sweet Embrace, I would love to help prevent people from feeling the way I felt when I was first diagnosed and to provide a place for people to find that 'Sweet Embrace' of love, hope, guidance, and inspiration. I do not have all of the answers, but I hope to make someone's diabetes journey a little less scary and a lot more manageable. I have come a long way from my newly diagnosed 18-year old self to a now thriving 28-year old.

More exciting things to come from Sweet Embrace, so please stay tuned!

xoxo Kaitlin